

About Niagara Falls Signature Events

Events in Niagara Falls run throughout the year, attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists. It’s best to experience the Falls at different times throughout the year – each season offers something unique and memorable. The Niagara region compliments popular Fallsview attractions in the area with a wide array of events every month, so no stay in Niagara Falls is the exact same. From dazzling firework shows to the illumination of the falls to the Winter Festival of Lights – there is never a shortage of events in Niagara Falls to keep you entertained and looking forward to your next visit! The OLG Stage at Fallsview Casino across the street from the Holiday Inn hosts various shows and concerts all year long.

Whatever season you decide to visit there is always plenty to do and see.

You might think that fall and winter are slower seasons in the Niagara region, but this isn’t the case. The area is a popular choice for people looking to celebrate New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day, so if you’re considering booking a hotel room on one of these two special days you’ll need to plan well in advance. 

Niagara Falls Events


The 2025 schedule has yet to be announced, but typically they start late spring and finish early fall.


The 2025 schedule has yet to be announced but typically the Winter Festival of Lights runs from mid November to the first week of January.

When you book your trip to stay during the spring and summer, you will find lots of great events to fill your time spent here. With fireworks, illumination, dining and attractions there’s a little bit of everything for everyone.

No matter when you choose to visit the Niagara area you’ll find a number of popular Niagara Falls events to choose from, all of which will make your stay truly memorable.

Book your stay at Holiday Inn Niagara Falls to enjoy the value of a central location, comfortable rooms and luxurious amenities.